Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dance Recital

Tonight Jamie had her dance recital with Miss Shannon. The theme was "The History of Disney" . She danced to "The Lion King" and "The Pirates of the Carribean" (as a pirate in pink!)and she was fabulous and adorable! In attendance were Dad, Mom, Ashley, Jessie, Brian, Michael and our adorable little Levi, who really seemed to enjoy the show.

This will probably be her last year doing dance since she is so busy competing in Gymnastics at United Gymnastics Academy. She got her start as a tiny two year old doing Dance and later Tumbling with Shannon but now Gymnastics is her passion and where God has gifted her so that's what she needs to concentrate on. There's only so much time in a week and even nine year olds need to prioritize. (And moms need a break!) She did enjoy being able to do one more recital with Shannon, though, and will surely miss her classes.

Brian helped with the lights and sound for the recital, which was very nice of him. He also made a delicious Curried Chicken soup that was waiting for us when we got home.

On the way to the car from the recital we all had a laugh when we saw something wrapped around Levi's foot and discovered that it was his diaper! It had somehow come off while he was still in his shorts - no wonder the poor baby had such a funny look on his face half the night ;)