Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I hate my computer!!!

Well, if you're wondering why I haven't posted anything on my Blog it's because my dumb computer - or more accurately, the bad internet connection we have - is giving me trouble - as usual! I've wanted to post pictures and videos of all the things the kids have been doing lately - like Jamie's performance at the Peanut Festival, Michael riding his horse, Leo, the kids at Vaulting, Noah's birthday party, etc - but since I can't stay connected long enough to upload any pictures or videos I guess I won't be able to do that anytime soon! Aaaarghhh!


Jessica said...

your blog is fullllllll of junk maybe thats why :D
tell brian im STILL waiting on the pictures...
anddddd.... idk.
im bored but there is this show on hgtv that im semi watching about this couple buying a flat in PARIS!! i so wish i was there!!

Brian Crawmer said...

The "junk" doesn't slow anything. And oh, I don't HAVE the pictures. I told you that before, but just like you, you didn't listen. MOM has the pictures, stop telling ME to give you them! We can't even email you them all, incase you didn't notice when you lived here, our internet is awful! So unless you want me to scale them down half the size, you'll have to wait.